New Holland T6.180 DC

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of NEW HOLLAND T6 Farm tractor.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

The production year is 2023.

Engine/driveline: diesel, displacement: 6728 cc, engine cylinders: 6, 180 hp.

Wheel formula and suspension type: 4x4, 2-axle, axles make: Mitas: 1,2, front tires: 480/65R28, 100%, rear tires: 600/65R38, 100%.

Cab comforts include cabin, air conditioner, board computer.

Exterior measurements: length – 5190, width – 2280, height – 2640.

The unit’s location is in Netherlands.

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Vissers Mechanisatie BV

Rond Deel 6 5531 AH Bladel, the Netherlands